Although it snowed this week, it’s Spring and Summer is right around the corner! Are you ready for summer?
Finding the right camp/program for your child can be a time consuming and daunting process. Let me help you plan the best summer ever for your child.
Finding the right camp/program for your child can be a time consuming and daunting process. Let me help you plan the best summer ever for your child.

I love my job! My advice is based on years of experience as a classroom teacher, a learning consultant, a teen program director, a camp counselor, a camper and a mom who sent her own two boys to camp. I spend my summers visiting camps and programs while in session to be able to give you the most current first hand information. My reward is to see happy kids all summer long! It is a win/win situation for everyone.

My service is FREE and never an obligation. I promise to make choosing a camp easy and fun. You have everything to gain by calling me. I think the best camp or teen program is the one that is most compatible to your child’s personality. Our first conversation will be about your child and what you would like most to get out of their summer experience.
Not just camps! Although my trademarked name is “The Camp Lady”, my services go well beyond camp.
There are so many options. Teen travel, college enrichment, language immersion, community service, adventure programs, internships and more. There is a perfect program for every teen.
There are only so many beds in a bunk, and at this time space is limited. If you are thinking about this summer 2014, you should start the process now. Don’t be intimidated, I will help guide you every step of the way.
Believe it or not, NOW is the time to CALL for summer 2015. Visiting camps this summer is a great way to find the perfect fit for next summer.
Sue Ellen Greenberg
The Camp Lady